Adaptation of Private Pension Plan according to the Estate Pension reform

Review of the Private Pension Plan, in order to adopt rules that are more compatible with the impacts and demands brought about by the Estate Pension reform.

The Estate Pension reform had a strong impact on Private Pension Plan, which could increase costs and even bring additional risks to the sponsoring/instituting companies, considering the design characteristic of each Plan.

If your company has not yet adapted the Private Pension Plan of your employees to the Estate Pension reform, several premises defined at the time your Plan was structured, are now certainly misaligned with the new productive cycle of workers due to the new Estate Pension rules, in force since 2019. 

Review of the Private Pension Plan, in order to adopt rules that are more compatible with the impacts and demands brought about by the Estate Pension reform.

The Estate Pension reform had a strong impact on Private Pension Plan, which could increase costs and even bring additional risks to the sponsoring/instituting companies, considering the design characteristic of each Plan.

If your company has not yet adapted the Private Pension Plan of your employees to the Estate Pension reform, several premises defined at the time your Plan was structured, are now certainly misaligned with the new productive cycle of workers due to the new Estate Pension rules, in force since 2019. 

  • Term mismatch
  • Mismatch of benefit eligibility rules
  • Mismatch of criteria for funding the Plan
  • Gender segregation
  • Conflict in the rules of transition to Estate Plann retirement