Who we are

SD3 is built on the experience of those who contributed to the development of the Private Pension sector in Brazil.


José Guilherme Simonetti 

Consulting Partner

  • Extensive knowledge in Pension Plans, with more than 30 years of experience developing activities in the sector;
  • Vice President of Citibank, in charge of the Pension Board, for 10 years;
  • Member of the Advisory Committee to the Supplementary Pension Secretariat (currently Previc), an agency of the Ministry of Welfare and Social Assistance, for 12 years, and an instructor at ABRAPP (Brazilian Association of Closed Supplementary Pension Entities) for 9 years;
  • Specialization on Pension from Wharton School (Pennsylvania — USA).

Célia Souza e Silva 

Consulting Partner

  • More than 15 years of experience in Insurance and Private Pension Plan consultancy;
  • Responsible for the assistance to big national and multinational companies from different segments;
  • Graduated from FAAP and ESPM on Business Management.

Mauricio Vale  

Consulting Partner

  • Strong expertise in Private Pension Plan Consulting;
  • Working at SD3 Consultoria em Previdência e Corretora de Seguros since 2017;
  • Specialized in Tax Efficiency and Tax Planning for Private Pension Plans and in Project Development in Private Pension Plans;
  • Several courses in the area of Private Pension Plans, including training in Actuarial for Non-Actuaries;
  • Graduated in Production Engineering.

Marcos Aurélio Araujo Pereira  

Consulting Partner

  • 25 years of experience in Pension, Insurance and Investment markets, focusing on Corporate and Private segments;
  • Worked for 21 years in major insurance companies of the Corporate Pension segment, mainly in commercial and Customer Relationship areas;
  • Holds a degree in Business Administration, postgraduate qualification in Business Management with international extension from the University of La Verne, California, USA;
  • Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) since 2007.